Beacon Heights

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite people in the world, Molly Mullin aka Miss Molly! She is that friend who you are always excited to catch up with because she has such a great personality and positive energy! Not to mention, she is always making me laugh until I cry. If that’s not a great friend, then I don’t know what is. I met Molly while I was in college ( That makes me feel so old. Even though I graduated a couple months ago. Haha) She has seen me through many phases in my life. Always listening and giving great advice when I had silly boy troubles, teaching me how to cook, and educating me on brilliant films and music artists. i.e. The Velvet Underground, Neko, Wes Anderson films, David Bowie, Fargo… And so on. I always seem to leave our reunions with a new list of her favorite films and songs. I digress, she has asked me to collaborate with her on something grand. (Something that I can’t talk about yet) But, that is how we ended up at Beacon Heights. This crazy beautiful spot is minutes from Grandfather Mountain, right off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Shot with my Mamiya C330.

Oh. I also happened to get locked out of my car at Pilot Mountain so I snapped a few shots there too. No worries. The park ranger rescued me.

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